More Mars to Mix ~ 11 Mar 2021

Last night while listening to a recording captured by the Perseverance probe of the winds of Mars, it occurred to me to look further into the transit of Mars in Gemini. Eureka! A mother lode - or at least a promising plethora - of transits that deserve attention as inspiration and clarification for the itches perceived coinciding with the upcoming change of seasons.


With Mars it remains important to provide an adequate heads such that when the action item of life presents itself, all is good to go and the fact is clear. Given Mars’ fast and furious nature and considering the ever-changing attention of Gemini, how about some bullet points for upcoming Mars notations in the next month or so?


26 March ~ Mars conjunct lunar north node in Gemini


> Weave the instincts and urges to get on with getting on as part of your destiny profile.
> Consider how your next act directly benefits and enhances all those within your tribe.
> Take a moment to envision what it might look like for your efforts to materialize in direct response to your pursuit. Check for consistency with your soulful agenda.


27 March ~ Mars in Gemini opposite the Great Attractor in Sagittarius


> When insight comes your way, claim it without false modesty.
> When others ask you what you think, share what you think... all of it.
> Include every thought that appears before making a decision. Especially those thoughts that lie outside your natural spectrum of consideration and receptivity.
> Be inclusive with people, philosophies and cultures. Intend to gain insight from each and every person encountered and situation experienced.
> Be broad, expansive and when pushed to the nucleus of a gathering or meeting, accept the fate of dispensing your insights with grace and gentleness.


9 April ~ Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces


> It meshes well with the cosmic flow to step back, sit down on your rump and contemplate where you are, how you got here and if this current situation agrees with your original intention behind all life’s actions.
> Do your best to hold reactions until the entire perspective at hand becomes perfectly clear.
> Take time to engage without inhibition in any and all creative pursuits you fancy.
> Take time to be in awe of the heavens and spend ample moments basking in your relationship with All That Is.


18 - 19 April ~ Mars in Gemini opposite the Galactic Center in Sagittarius


> Take time to delete junk thoughts, negative reactions from the internal editor, ideas that stand contrary to your best efforts. Purge your brain cells.
> Devote attention to noticing all incoming impulses of inspiration directed your way by the core of the galaxy. A churning stomach, itchy hands, tingling on the top of the head can signal the time for a cosmic download.
> Capture (preferably writing in a notebook) all new ideas, insights and random spiritual wanderings. Add a time and date to each entry; review every five days. Big ideas might take several months before your tribe and those within your auric range can wrap around your current insights. Patience is good. So is perseverance within your promulgations.
> If you have a place to tinker or create, spend significant time in that place and set your imagination free.


19 April ~ Mars conjunct Psyche in Gemini


> It’s time to dream good! Dream while awake (in safe situations; not while driving or texting). Set the intention before drifting to sleep that any and all dreams nurture you with action items and inspiration.
> Dream up love in your life (as Psyche did with Eros). Sure this can enhance your relationship with warm emotional ebullience, but more it’s to fill your life with things you love to enjoy. A walk in nature. Your favorite beverage. The passion felt while painting or writing or crafting. The warmth that comes from being helpful and offering consciousness contributing thoughts, words and deeds to the planet.
> Symbolically assess your actual dreams. See if you can locate what in life inspired the dream and more important, seek the meaning of the dream.
> With meaning determined, and with intention, clarity and full focus engage acts in life that can fulfill the optimum dimensions of your dreams.


To call back from the previous SkyScraping post, remember that Mars in Gemini can suffer from distraction. Should attention wander, keep in mind all tasks and agendas that require constant attention and energy. Avoid the urge to stutter-step. Apply multitask skills with your best and most timely efforts.


On the mundane level, answer e-mails and respond to online messages as promptly as possible. Opportunities during these weeks are marked by impatience. They may not linger long. Check your spam folder for important messages that slipped through the wisps of Psyche’s and Neptune’s influence.


Finally, find an online site to listen to a recording of the whispers of the winds on Mars. Sure, it might sound like winds on Earth during the current seasonal shifts... but the Martian winds are exotic, evocative and worth engaging to listen as they whisper their import.

More soon.